Monday, November 1, 2010

Crooked House

I am no architect, but I think I know a great looking building when I see one. I like to look at the unique-ness of buildings, especially when travelling overseas. Traditional buildings or houses are gorgeous as it represents an identity and culture of a country (like how the Japanese looks like they sleep in their closet).

As much as modern designs are pretty, it just makes buildings around the world look very similiar- tall and shiny.

One day, I would like to design my own house from scratch. Knowing me, it would probably be rainbow-coloured and windows made of cotton candy.heh.

My inspiration :

1. Nautilus House, Mexico

2. Ripley's Building, Canada.
3. Mammy's Cupboard, US.

4. Wonderworks, US

5. The Crooked House, Poland.

Omg, I love the crooked house! How can a person not be dizzy just by looking at it. Clearly, they had a big pre-party and the architect and contractors were too drunk when they started building the house.

Oh how super cool would you be to have an upside down house?? SO FREAKING COOL!

I want an upsidedowncrooked house!