Saturday, October 30, 2010


Who says I'm not a creative person???

I gave a 'hantaran' as a surprise for Izyan for her engagement. My idea and design from scratch...


If y'all are wondering what those colourful balls are inside, it is macaroons and smarties. It was only half filled, because as I was doing the gift, I unknowingly ate a few.heh. Love love love macaroons!! Especially the ones in Rose and Pandan *died*.

....and look what I got for Mummy, because we got into a minor fight, and I felt bad, so I bought and arranged this for her..

Sorry, Mommy!!!

Now, I have a friend that wants to be super famous one day. His wish is to be Tyra Banks one day..

Ismail Hassan by day...

....and Zainab Salleh by night!

That's him in Baju Kurung
BBPIN 20D41DC2 (Go be his friend)

P.S. Random, I know. Going a bit crazy with the stress of exam. Please excuse me. This is the only humour I have this past few days.


  1. Nice hantaran adik, by the way you beli macaroon dekat mana? Masa my nikah I carik jugak tapi tak jumpa, plus I pun tak carik bersungguh la...

  2. this one adik beli at whisk @empire gallery subang.thats the only one yg bukak malam..
