Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Sixty Six

Testing one two three.

*dusting off the blog*

Fuh, its been a while. I miss blogging. I miss writing. Honestly, I don't have any time. I don't even have time to watch the new The Hills. Oh, they've got a new The Hills, but without Lauren. Still with Heidi, Audrina, Whitney *scream*. Ohemgee.


Daddy celebrated his sixty...err chup! Oh ya, sixty six last week and we planned a dinner out. I came out with an Elton John theme but of course, non of us came with colourful sunnies and everything. Boring!

We were the most...Elton-ish? Bahaha.

It was a public holiday so it was packed everywhere so it was even hard to have a conversation. One person had to scream across the table to say something. Urgh. For a few days Azrin and I thought Daddy was turning 63 and we wanted to get him a 6 and 3 candles.

Azrin: How old is he?
Me: Don't know. Calculate lah.
Azrin: 63. Awh he is so old already. Stop bullying him.
Me: -____-'

*took 6 and 3 candles*

Azrin: *calculated on his phone* Eh, he is 66 lah. Omg, we almost discount him three years. He would be so perasan.
Me: Mehh, at least now he cannot perasan he is 36. Hehe.

Happy Birthday Abah!!

Well, obviously the two in black didn't get the theme memo.

Guys, What do you buy for your father? We are running of ideas here. Help!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

After Another

New year's resolution- slow down on the Burnt Cheesecake, right? If you follow me on Insta, you would realise that I have not been updating any new burnt cheesecake location. Azrin and I have had them about twice this year *claps*. 

....we might be out of new cheesecake places but I can just tell you that we are leading a healthier lifestyle. Heh.

Meh, who am I kidding.

Azrin is the kind who gets hooked on any sweet/sugary stuff something easily. So all this while, when we walk around in malls, sometimes I would get a bubble milk tea. Very rarely, I must say. Once in a while the cravings will come. Everytime I get one, being the nice girlfriend to wife, I would offer if he would like one.

Him: *cringe* Meh, no thanks.

Every. Single. Time.

I don't know what that bubble tea ever did to him.

One fine day, last month, he had a sip of my tea.


A few days later, he drove to a bubble tea shop and it was raining like crazy and of course he can't get his shoes wet *smoke coming out of ears*.

Him: B, can u get me one of those..but I don't want milk tea. Something..fruity please.
Me: Are you sure you don't want the milk tea? (I mean, I know him better then he knows himself)
Him: Yeap..something fruity like mango.
Me: Hmmmmm...okaaaaaay.

He took a sip of his mango, and a sip of mine..

"Can we switch?"

That is when everything went downhill. From that day on, he wants a freaking bubble tea almost everyday. It will be pretty normal for me to get ready for bed and suddenly a "Oh let's get bubble tea" comes out in the middle of the night. Yes, little Adrian tags along.

Look at that face.

He said it cured him from fever and flu.


Sunday, January 13, 2019

Road Trip

Happy 2019 everyone! I will try to blog more this year. A promise to myself.

We had our first road trip with Adrian almost three months ago (and you only want to blog about it now, good job!) and it was quite and experience!

Figuring out what to pack- "Do we bring our kettle? What if the hotel does not have hot water (haha!)? Should we drag his cot along? How many baju to bring? No space in one car. We should get a bigger car."

..and off to Melaka!

Thank god Adrian is the kind who sleeps the moment you put him in a car. Even before the car moves. So it was Zzzzzzz the whole way..BUT he was fully charged when we got there just when Azrin and I thought we could take a nap as we checked in.

Went around Melaka, met up with Helena for coffee. Didn't do all the touristy stuff because mehhh- too packed. I would rather just eat.

The next day, we went off to Muar for my cousin's wedding. Dressed little Adrian up for his first wedding.


I must say, it was a different experience, especially now Azrin and I cant be next to each other singing and dancing when driving for a holiday. Many more things to learn, and we shall plan for more trips.

Without the cot.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Around KL

One of my bestie came back from NY and I texted him the day he was supposed to be home (totally forgot about the time difference)..

"Welcome home!"
"Sheesh I have packed all your shit lah. I'm on the way to the airport"


He brought Ariel and I spent a couple of weeks googling on what to do/ where to go in KL. I really don't know what tourists do in KL. Besides eating, I really could not figure out something.

Muzium Negara?

Tugu Negara?

Butterfly Park?


"Ariel, do you eat spicy food? You do? Cool! Screw touristy stuff. We shall eat all day!"

We ate this and that, walked around Bukit Bintang. I actually walked! Azrin and Greg know how much I hate walking especially through crowded places, but anything as a host.


They came over to the house after and later at night we went out for dinner and just talk.

We were suppose to head to another place after for coffee, but Ariel fell asleep in the car so decided to call it a night and sent them home. Haha.

I got to see them one freaking day!! Before they went for their little asean tour and head back to NY.


I had so much fun. I mean, Greg is my longest friend, since primary school. He went off to Melbourne to study after school and work there, later to Sydney and now all the way in NY. We rarely get to see each other but we still do update each other- thank god for technology.

I tried convincing him to come back to KL. He said We said, why not meet in the middle- Sydney/ Melboune. I don't know how is Australia in in between Malaysia and US.


Sunday, November 25, 2018

Maid Stories

In four months, I've had two different maids/helpers, and now back to zero. It got me it me? Am I the problem here? Am I that difficult to work with? Oh will Adrian grow up hating me too?

All these questions...

So I got my first maid about four months ago to help take care of Adrian while Azrin and I are at work. We would send the maid and Adrian to Daddy's house before work (before we would fully trust to leave Adrian and her alone at home) and pick them after. At night, Adrian would sleep with us. Basically her bedtime would be at 8pm while we take turn at night taking care of the baby.

I mean, that would be the only time we have with him anyway before we have to wake up and head to work again..

Anywho, the day we got the maid, we went grocery shopping and I told her I don't usually cook and I told her to get anything she wants/needs for her to eat on a daily basis. Right after, I tapau-ed something for her, and went back.

A few days after, while I was enjoying my cup of coffee after at home I got a call from Daddy..

Him: Adik, how could you do such thing?
Me: What?
Him: Apa la buat macam ni dekat orang. Kesian dia.
Me: Huh?

Apparently, she's been telling Daddy and Stepmom that Azrin and I have not been giving her food. She expects me to serve her food for every meal, like I did on the first day.


We later found out that she's been convincing Daddy's maid to run off. Haha. I couldn't be bothered to deal with petty things like this. Got her to pack her things and sent her back (friends asked me why I sent her back and not just halau her, I don't think that is right).

I got another maid after. She is ok. This is the one that got me thinking if it is me. We installed cctv around the house just so we could leave Adrian while we are at work. You see, I have his thing where I like my way. Don't care about other people's stuff but mine..hmm. Azrin is becoming worst since he got together with me, so when we see through the cctv that she moves things around (sometimes to clean, which is her job!) we would get so...irritated.

"Did she just move my cup?"
"Eh she basuh baju, smells different. Tell her I will basuh myself la"

Azrin will come back every night with a magnifying glass and inspect every inch of the house. It got so bad, that we would wait for her to sleep, and we re-arrange everything and re-do the laundry and hide them just so she won't iron them.

Because. Her. Ironing. Does. Not. Bring. The. Right. Lines.

Well, she said she's getting married and stuff so we let her go a few days ago and we were smiling away. Tired, but smiling.

All for you, little one.

Sunday, November 4, 2018


We were about to place our orders when..

Ashraf: Eh, you know kids eat for free right? *points at Adrian with a smile*
Me: He don't even one tooth out yet, dude
Ashraf: Its ok, I can eat.
Me: *looks at Adrian* Make sure when you besar nanti you claim back from Pak Su.

So we ordered what "Adrian" wanted to eat and the rest of us had fun being kids.


Later, there were the Tic Tac Toe battle. Belle and I were playing and of course no one won. Azrin said he could do that trick thingy where you can definitely win.

"Apa la you guys ni. The third round let me play. I know the trick"



Oh and Happy Deepavali, everyone!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Who Wins?

When it comes to calculations, Azrin and I will always try to prove the other one that he/she could calculate faster, especially in terms of money. Splitting bills, calculating our balances, anything. If he gets to calculate it faster...

"Apa la..belajar bertahun-tahun to kira duit tapi lambat"

..but when I find out that the amount is wrong..

"Hmm susah la kerja bank tapi kira duit pun salah. Bahaya."

So bottom line is, we both suck! Gahaha.

In terms of expenses, we usually don't really care as in we would just take turns paying but recently we had to pay for something for Adrian and we needed to make three payments so he insisted later on to divide the total.

Here comes the rollercoaster.

So I have paid RM1067. He paid RM188 and RM116. Easy, right?

Him: So I owe you another 229.
Me: Eh, 381 la..How you kira?
Him: Since u paid 1067, divide 2 is 533. So I paid the 188 and 166, I tolak that as what I owed you lah.
Me: Huh?

At this point he was getting annoyed with me thinking that I was so blur. It was because I was trying to figure out his logic. So i decided to write it out for him.

I am mimi, he is bobo, btw.

Him: wah, if like that you pay me back my 152 la
Me: huh? 152 from where?

It went back and forth for about 30 minutes. Honestly its not about the money, its about who is going to win this. Crucial! He kept saying, with my calculation he will pay more. So did a break down for him again.

So I'm pretty confident it is RM381.

Him: whateverlah. So berkira.


Oh, felt better than the day I graduated.

We know who won't be teaching Adrian Maths.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


I get hooked on series super easily, from Friends to Suits. I prefer series than movies because I can stay up all night and watch seasons after seasons, especially during my "zaman bujang". Don't get me wrong, when it comes to malay dramas, fuhhh. This makcik here will berlawan-lawan with Abang Azrin. Hands down, he wins. That dude can match all the opening songs with the malay series in a jiffy.


Thanks to being married for about three years we have been watching so many malay dramas and we will membawang about it in the morning traffic on the way to work. Life. They usually have a very typical storyline (expected) with a happy ending. I usually prefer a mind boggling kind of show. It is hard to find these kind of shows, especially in the Malaysian industry. Doesn't have to be violent, just a very twisted storyline. The more tired I get from watching a show, the better! I think I wrote about this before- I have only came through a few Malay shows like this, for example Mana Hilangnya Juwita and also Chinta. Amazing!!

Few weeks ago Azrin told me..

Him: B, you should watch this new show. Its Psycho. Like gila.
Me: ..but now there's Bahagia Bukan Bidaan and Vila Ghazara. Suits pun tak updated lagi..
Him: Yeaa but this is really good. Its starting soon. Watch la. Watch la. Its called Salon. on ntv7 and viu.
Me: Hmmmm.

I did put Suits on hold, and watched Salon. Impressive! Dark, twisted. The show is mostly in english which impressed me even more. Very different from other shows. Every episode will have its own twist.

You guys should take a peek!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Baby Farm

My girls Fara and Sofia just popped little babies recently (omg!) so of course I was so excited to go visit them, all the time in my head thinking how will our next outing be? Should it be just a picnic at a playground? I mean before this we just have 2 kids from Sarah and 1 from Sofia but now...

*picturing the number of kids running around*

Oh. My. God.

Yes, us girls will be outnumbered.

First stop, went to see Fara's baby girl- Dinda Dahlea.

Such an angel.

"Now with you people, so quiet and nicely sleeping..later the moment I pegang her...hmmmm" -Fara


Next stop, Sofia's baby boy- Khalid Iman.

Omg those cheeks!!

Khalid and Adrian weigh the same and Adrian is almost two months older.


Both babies look exactly like their grandmother and nothing like their parents. Sorry girls! Haha.

Sofia: Eh, now we can all go for a baby-friendly holiday..
Me: Yeaa we can tinggal the kids in the pool
Sofia: Hmmm...

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Every Year

Between preparing myself for Adrian's circumcision and Abang going for his boys weekend getaway, we managed to squeeze a quick birthday dinner for Daddy right before his real birthday.

We planned a few hours before the dinner itself. So no balloons, no themes, no unicorn cake. Hehe.

A few days before Azrin and I was chilling at Daddy's house and we were whispering behind him on what to get him for his birthday. Our problem every single year.

Azrin: Baju again?
Me: No. Enough la. Pleaaaseeeee.
Azrin: Then?
Me: Should we ask him?
Azrin: He might ask for a car! Or for us to move in. Haha
Me: I would rather give him the car. Kih kih kih

A few minutes later, while watching tv in his kain pelikat and munching on his keropok, he was yapping away that he is running out of books to read, asking Abang if he have any extra books, this and that.


"Chup! Chup!! I will get you books for your birthday! I will buy you new ones. Well, if you want my whole collection of fifty shades I can pass to you too!"

No, I didn't give him my Fifty Shades. Bahahaha.

Happy Birthday Abah! Enjoy the books!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


After almost two months, Azrin and decided to take a couple of hours to ourselves and had it all planned out. I was so excited for our "date", we got Adrian ready, fed him smelling all nice and dropped him off at Daddy's. I mean, there are just too man nice movies on now hehe.

Here's our plan for the day:

10am: Nice breakfast
11am: A little shopping
1pm: Lunch
2pm: Watch Crazy Rich Asian
4ish: Watch Munafik 2
6ish: Have Coffee somewhere
7pm: Head back to Daddy's

Sounds like a perfect day, ey? *puts on sunnies*


10am: Still at Daddy's playing with Adrian
11am: Trying to calm Adrian down before heading out.
11.30am: To go breakfast and eat in the car.
12pm: Shopping  Buy diapers, nappy cream etc.
1.30pm: Azrin had to go to office for a little while 
2pm: Me looking at movie timing while waiting for Azrin
2.15pm: Lunch
3pm: I had to go for a quick meeting.
3.30pm: We head home as Azrin needed to finish some work stuff. It was either home or he had to go back to office. I pick home because I could take a nap while he finish work.
3.45pm: I took a nap. Azrin was doing work thingy.
6pm: Woke up. Saw Azrin sleeping on the couch hugging his laptop.

*We were both on leave, btw

"Crap, I fell asleep. We need to go pick up Adrian"
"No movie? Hahahahahaha"

There goes out "movie date"

It was a good nap though.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Her One Day

Its Her. Again.

So when she said she was going to "come back for a month" last month, she touched down in KL and flew off for her Eurotrip for three weeks.

That's her "back for a month". I got to see her for one day. One day! to get my freaking Pods.

Last week she came back again for a week (I'm guessing being a doctor in Melbourne is quite free ey? Haha!) and I prebooked her for a day. Well, for a couple of hours.

"Omg Dila, I can't believe you're a mother man..hahahahha. Its you! Hahahaha"


Now she is back in Melbourne again. Haih. I told her that once Adrian can fly, we might bring him to Melbourne first, so be prepared, lady!
