Sunday, November 25, 2018

Maid Stories

In four months, I've had two different maids/helpers, and now back to zero. It got me it me? Am I the problem here? Am I that difficult to work with? Oh will Adrian grow up hating me too?

All these questions...

So I got my first maid about four months ago to help take care of Adrian while Azrin and I are at work. We would send the maid and Adrian to Daddy's house before work (before we would fully trust to leave Adrian and her alone at home) and pick them after. At night, Adrian would sleep with us. Basically her bedtime would be at 8pm while we take turn at night taking care of the baby.

I mean, that would be the only time we have with him anyway before we have to wake up and head to work again..

Anywho, the day we got the maid, we went grocery shopping and I told her I don't usually cook and I told her to get anything she wants/needs for her to eat on a daily basis. Right after, I tapau-ed something for her, and went back.

A few days after, while I was enjoying my cup of coffee after at home I got a call from Daddy..

Him: Adik, how could you do such thing?
Me: What?
Him: Apa la buat macam ni dekat orang. Kesian dia.
Me: Huh?

Apparently, she's been telling Daddy and Stepmom that Azrin and I have not been giving her food. She expects me to serve her food for every meal, like I did on the first day.


We later found out that she's been convincing Daddy's maid to run off. Haha. I couldn't be bothered to deal with petty things like this. Got her to pack her things and sent her back (friends asked me why I sent her back and not just halau her, I don't think that is right).

I got another maid after. She is ok. This is the one that got me thinking if it is me. We installed cctv around the house just so we could leave Adrian while we are at work. You see, I have his thing where I like my way. Don't care about other people's stuff but mine..hmm. Azrin is becoming worst since he got together with me, so when we see through the cctv that she moves things around (sometimes to clean, which is her job!) we would get so...irritated.

"Did she just move my cup?"
"Eh she basuh baju, smells different. Tell her I will basuh myself la"

Azrin will come back every night with a magnifying glass and inspect every inch of the house. It got so bad, that we would wait for her to sleep, and we re-arrange everything and re-do the laundry and hide them just so she won't iron them.

Because. Her. Ironing. Does. Not. Bring. The. Right. Lines.

Well, she said she's getting married and stuff so we let her go a few days ago and we were smiling away. Tired, but smiling.

All for you, little one.

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