Friday, October 22, 2010


Ok, I know I was suppose to be studying, unfortunately, I'm too caught up in watching "Chinta" (thanks, mom!)..but seriously, tomorrow will be the day!

Although I have been hibernating at home for the whole week, yesterday was a very hectic day.

First, I had to be chauffer to a dear cousin, Izyan, in preparation of her engagement next week. I get so freaking excited wen it comes to weddings, engagements, anything involves dresses, flowers, gifts all in one occasion.

I want to plan for *cough*my*cough*wedding too!

So anyway, went to KL to pick up things for the ceremony. I have always wanted to go to Cocoa Boutique in KL, but no one wants to accompany me. At, last Izyan is willing to.heh. It was preety awesome! All sorts of chocolates. Even chilli chocolate!

Guess what I bought??

Yummy-est thing on earth. Unfortunately, Dad finished it all.

"Your dad is like an ant, where ever there is sweet stuff, he'll be there"-Mom.

Than off too Bangsar to go to a, err, flower factory?? Ok, so it is a warehouse that sells all sorts of flowers. And the place is so huge- sort of like a big, big refrigerator with millions of flowers. Its called Floristika!

Oh, there are gorgeous, gorgeous flowers! Bloody cheap too. 20 stems of roses, for less than RM20! *waves at Azrin*. They don't allow pictures snapping, but I managed to secretly steal a couple of photos (btw, Blackberry's camera is so noisy!).

Isn't in just gorgeous???

Izyan, wanted to get her brows done (for the first time!) and I had the honour to witness the torture.heh. Since my brows are so disgustingly amazon-ish, I got it done too!yay!! I have crazy confidence issue when I don't thread my you?

Look it, disgusting right??Urgh.

Getting tear-y with her new brows.heh.

Got home, and had to rush to a special screening.yikes!

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