Monday, May 3, 2010


I was volunteering for a charity sale for Palestine at Sunway College.

Honestly, I have no idea what was going on. I mean I knew they were at war, but I dont really know why. So before I head to help, there I was standing at the boards with the story of the war, and pictures. Of course I skipped reading about it because my brain have better relationship with pictures. After all, pictures says kebejillion-and-one words, rite?

Oh boy, was I shocked! THIS was what have been happening all these while I was party-ing, watching a movie or enjoying good, expensive food, THIS was happening?SERIOUSLY?!?!?! shame on me.

I now promise myself to spend 45% less of my time on E!News, and more on global issues (although, If Angie and Brad were to really break-up, that IS global issue, mind you).

My first thought was, if it was me, I would be so pissed off because I would lose my clothes, and shoes, and bags..*brilliant idea* : I could give them my clothes and shoes, then they can be at war fabulously!More fabulous than those jews! *stick tongue out*

Than I smack myself right on the head. These people are losing their arms and legs for gods sake. All they want is another chance to live normally without having live fireworks 5 feet away from them. Don't get me started on the little kids, they do not deserve to lose their mothers, let alone an ear, or eyes, or fingers. Who the hell does that? I bet you, if anyone goes to the jews, and poke their mothers with a pencil, they would start cursing, right? pffft! I wish I could take these little kids and come live with me.All of them.

As I was helping with the charity sale, I was thinking, and I really want to help these people. So I tried to buy as many things as I could and give some money to the donation, because if this is what it takes for me to help these people to heal their wound on that one leg they have got left, why not? ( that blusher I was planning to buy can wait).

The charity sale will be on from today until Thursday evening. We sell all sorts of things, from books, badges, stickers, keychains, T-shirts and it will ALL go to charity. There is this one item that was selling like crazy. Its this shawl/scarf, where I think its a traditional Palestinian scarf, and yes, its hot! very fashionable.kinda cool to see many people around college wearing it. Oh, its also very very easy to match your outfit! (great designers, these people, that is why we have to save them- future fashion's sake). It kinda look like this ( see famous people rock that look too) :

I realised, most people that donate, are foreigners (mostly Africans and people from other Middle East Countries), and they donate notes of 50s and 100s. Malaysians, on the other hand, would donate change from their lunch, or RM1s. Dont get me worng, I am greatful that they donate, but I was just wondering, why? Is it because these foreigners know the value of life more, or are we just plain selfish?

On Thursday night, we are having a talk by AmanPalestine representative (they are the ones who channel all the donations to Palestine). Its free of charge! Its open to public, so please do come and support. Its at Auditoriom 7, Sunway College, 8pm-10pm.

If you guys have any enquiries, or want to donate, or want to sponsor, don't hesitate to e-mail me at