Saturday, May 15, 2010


Being half Arab and half Malay, does not come close to how I look. I wish I had malsy skin tone, with big, brown alurring Arab eyes, not forgetting their mile long eyelashes that curls up to the forehead. Unfortunately not.

This is the situation that happens often :

Me walking around in a mall..

Chinese lady : *serving tester roasted pork* *speaks in chinese*
Me : *tries to open eyes as wide as possible (so that they realise I'm not chinese)* "wo...pu...che...tau."
But Im thankful with what god have given me..

God knows whose genes I got, or which ancestors of mine came from China, but reality is, I look like a chinese. It does come to a good use though, like during the fasting month, and when I can't fast, buying food would not be a problem for me.heh.

As much as I like all these funky make-up that they paint on all these hollywood stars, most of it I can't apply on myself. I have a pair of very typical Asian eyes. The thing with asian eyes is that,

One, it is very narrow and long, or we call it sepet, so we need make up to open up the eyes, which means work towards the brows, not sideways (unless u want to look like you have one straight horizontal line across your face). Also, to widened eyes, line top and bottom lashline with black eyeliner.

Two, we have very little space between eyes and brows, so nothing much to play with, so use of colours is very very important (go with light colours like light pink, earthy tones).

Three, we dont have visible, obvious crease, which is usually used to create 'shadow' on the eyes. Therefore, we have to create an illusion of the crease by using darker shadow where the crease is suppose to be.

Four, we have lashes that doesnt curl, and for me, I think my lashes have invisible dumbell hanging on it, because no matter how much I curl, and put maskara to it, it will still not curl like those maskara ads on tv. This is important, because to make eyes look bigger, we need to curl the lashes, therefore, invest on a good curler, and go all out on maskara.

See, who says being Asian is easy? Whatever it is, we should feel blessed with what we have and make-up is just to enhance and highlight the beauty that god gave us, right?

Instead of trying to copy make up that Eva Longoria or Jennifer Aniston has, try following celebrities with asian looks :


  1. Adik go any buy fake eye lashes, mo mascara...then you can stand side by side with Rozita Che Wan..hehe..

  2. dah banyak dah ade...but putting it on is e pain in the buntut...

  3. I bet you are the no. 1 purchaser of Black EYELINERS....just can't live without them some people who are eyebrow-deprived can't live without eye brow pencils..

  4. no.number 1 eyeliner buyer is adam lambert prolly second.thank god im not brow deprived
