Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Keep Walking

Shoes. For me it is shoes that brings together a great outfit. For example, if you are in a gorgeous evening gown, hair made up to perfection, jewelleries in place, and if u were to show up in a pair of flip flops, prepare for some staring, giggling and yes pointing and laughing too. I love shoes like crazy, the higher the better. Unfortunately, due to my recent 'tendonitis' issue, the doctor adviced me to step on the emergency brake on the heels. Every morning, on my way out to class, i see rows of untouched, colouful heels giving me evil looks for not wearing them :(.


Sometimes i do wear them for special occasions, and i suffer the consequences later on with an open heart (the pain and doctor's order never stopped me from buying heels).
Now we see many many shapes and colours of shoes. The competition in the shoe designing industry is obviously though that sometimes designers have to think way outside the box to achive a new design, hoping they will start a trend.

For me, each woman have its own capability in working a pair of heels. You should try walking in front of a mirror, and when you look like you walk funny, find a pair of shoes that are half an inch shorter, until you look comfartable walking in it. This is because, even if you feel good in a pair of heels, but u dont look comfy in it, that is not the right shoes for you.

I prefer shoes that are bright, simple, classic and sexy. Nothing too 'out there', maybe a discreet disgn here and there, at most. I have to admit, trends are changing so like it or not, I have to include new influence of current trends into my style

Like this ones...(Jimmy Choo):

There is a fine line between shoes that is unique, fashion forward and couture, and than there is the plain old crazy ones.


COUTURE (Alexander McQueen) :

heh.* wonder if I could pull off one of those :)*

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