Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Girl's best friend.

I looooove diamonds. love love love. Unfortunately I have none. Everytime I pass by Chopard or Tiffany's, I would stand in front of the showcase thing and drool (sometimes even daydream on one day that gorgeous necklace will somehow land on my neck). Diamond rings, necklaces, earings, bracelets, anything, I love how it sparkles, just perfect. And of course, it wouldnt hurt to have a diamond bra...but dont expect me to wear any clothes over it. Heck, if I have paid that much for a fabulous bra, I would probably wear it over my clothes..I could start a trend (like superman wears his underwear over his pants, and its not even a diamond encrusted underwear).

The thing that will always amaze me are diamond rings. I could totally relate to a situation where I would accept a proposal based on the ring, not the man. heh. I mean, even if I have a underwear model fiancee, the ring will be the one stuck to my finger and i have to walk around with it, also show it around to people as a sign of my engagement.

People say, choose your diamond ring according to, listen up boys, 4C- Carat, Clarity, Colour, Cut. For me, Colour and Cut is important and I dont really give a toodoo about Carat and Clarity (although, this is just a negotiation, if you're planning to buy me 1, I dont mind you taking into account all 4Cs).hehehehe.

Gentlemen, let me teach you a thing or two about diamonds. Trust me, u dont want to mess with these things. First up, Cut. There are a few types of cuts.

Round - well, its round!

Asscher - or cushion cut, very sqare-ish

Emerald - very rectangular and long-ish

Oval - hmm...need i say more?

Marquise - for me, its very ancient, egyptian-ish
Pear - the one that looks like a teardrop
Radiant - very similiar to cushion cut

Princess - square.

Heart - very preety!
Now, Colours.
Theres always the white diamond, the most common one that we see on most girls. By saying 'most', I dont mean me. And then there's the Champagne colour diamonds. These kind of diamond are preety rare, and the darker the colour is, the higher the price will be.

Than there's other colours that we do see at jewellery store, but hardly on someone's finger. Colours like yellow, blue, green. To differentiate diamonds and stones, for example between blue diamond and sapphire, is that coloured diamond looks more pale and clear.

Lastly, there's the Pink Diamond. Yes, this is the one that Ben Affleck gave to Jlo when he proposed (they didnt even get married!). The most rare type of diamond. Its is the hardest kind of diamond to find, and they're running out of it (oh no!!). This is the kind of diamond every girl dream of. The darker the pink, that it is almost purple-ish, the bigger the price tag.

My favourite will be Cushion Cut, Pink Diamond. Or Princess Cut, Blue Diamond. *drooooooool*
What's your pick?

Oh btw, we are almost out of diamonds, so prices will go crazy high every year. So boys, better put the ring on it fast!

Now, all the single ladies. put your hands up!

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