Hello all, I've been missing these past few days. Not that I think anyone notices/cares, but yes, I was in a bit of MIA mode to entertain the cousin, Shafiqah, who came for a few days *yay*.
Horror-est news of all : My blackberry is *twitch* spoilt *twitch*.
I can't seem to charge my phone, and when I went to the shop and he tried to CPR, and those electric jolt thing, and oxygen tank to save my little pinkberry, but he could'nt. Something about that place where you poke to charge was screwed (ok, was'nt listening, honestly, but something was spoilt). Than I turn around, and saw Bold 3 *holy light shining on the awesome Bold 3 with those creepy background sound*.
So.Effing.Preety. My new life mission from now on *breaks piggy bank and start counting coins*.
Ok, moving on..
I went to check out the out-of-the-world macarons (seriously, is it MACAROONS or MACARONS?) at Nathalie's Gourmet Studio.
Btw, those macarons are so yummy and poofy and gooey (caramel one - crazy death, I tell you).
We also tried out some other desserts.
I have yet to try their main courses. From what the people next to us looked like, it must have been some good food, though.
For my birthday, instead of a cake, I want stack and stack of macaroons.Whee! *cough Azaliya*
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