Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cucumber Facial

I was helping Mom because she was cooking Laksa Johor, and of course, my main job was to cut cucumbers. Yuck.

There was a lot of cucumbers, and I have read somewhere that its good for your skin, eyes, lips, blood, cat, shoes and what not, I had a fantabulous idea of doing my own facial.

Me : Ma, what do I need to do a facial thingy?
Mom : Cucumber, onions, a bit of chilli, and a pinch of salt. Good for eyebags. Try it *smile*
Me :...............................

Nevermind, I'll just turn to another reliable friend, Google.

So i crushed the cucumbers, add a bit of honey, and a bit of your facial scrub, and start scrubing and sticking it on your face.

Leave it on for a good 15 minutes-ish..wash it off. Tone and mosturise and voila!



No difference, huh?? That's what I thought. At least my face smells like cucumber. Refreshing.

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