Monday, January 10, 2011

Junior Masterchef

Happy 11.1.11 peeps! Im sure bunch of y'all getting hitched today, huh?

So, what have I been doing the whole weekend?

Watching Junior Masterchef Australia!! I've had it in my laptop for quite sometime, and finally had the time to watch it.

What is it, you may ask? A bunch of kids (8-12 y/o) in a cooking competition. You might think all they do is fry an egg or cook instant noodles or make PBJ sandwiches. So wrong. Think of all the food that you can't pronounce in a fancy restaurant.

Can you believe kids made these?? With minimun help, mind you. And with their colourful knives that don't look sharp but cuts beef like butter. When I was 8, the closest I could get to cooking is Play-doh.sobs.

My favourite contestant is Lucy (but she did'nt win). OMG she is so tiny that the spatula is bigger than her.


I was pumped up by JM, one day I went downstairs and there was Ayam Perchik in the kitchen. Before I ate, I started cutting slices of apples and arrange them on the plate. Took god-knows-what leaves in the fridge, start poking em in the chicken. Wipe the edge of the plate....and voila! I was taking my first bite, I forgot one major thing...

*puts on an*

1 comment:

  1. Read -a blog that is contributed to the grand champion of Junior MasterChef, Isabella Bliss. Congrats and Take care.

    Read the tips and suggestions about cooking.
