Thursday, August 12, 2010

What Distance I'd go for my other half.

I may be a little ignorant for many people. I tend to openly criticize people, make hurtful comments and joke around in a way only I find it funny. Yes, I am always the heartless one.One thing people do not know is I care for the person I love more than I care for myself.I swear.

I just dont know how to show it.

Family, friends, boyfriend, pet fish, teddy bear, shoes, handbags-I love them all. People do not know that, and I prefer it to stay that way. Hard on the outside, soft on the inside, I'm kinda like..Kinder Bueno (sorry, this fasting month makes me relate everything to food).heh.

After all, you know you're a controlling bitch when your own boyfriend calls you Hitler *waves at Azrin*

As busy as I am, when a friend or family is in need, I would drop everything and run to help.In 5-inch stilettos, of course.

So, I wonder, what distance I'd go for my other half?

Azrin, my current other half, thinks that I'm a spoiled girl, who can't stand the sun, who does not know how LRT works, who's daddy gives her everything she needs when she cries.

..... well, not really.

So worse case scenario : Azrin, lost in the middle of a jungle.

No air-cond. No handphone. No heels. Lots and lots of mosquitoes. *breathe...breathe..*

For the sake of love, I would toss them heels, put on a pair of sneakers, and try to save him. Hopefully with some sort of portable fan in hand. Having a few butlers to help me carry my stuffs wouldnt hurt too.heh. Yes, this spoiled girl would go that far for the other half. I would get bitten by bugs, I would embrace the hot sun (lets just hope he gets lost at sunset or sunrise), I would leave all those material gadgets that I'm a slave to, just to save my other half.

Cue : Awwwwwwwwww.

Moral of the story: Please dont even think of going into a jungle.Please.

Happy 2years7months syg!