Sunday, July 11, 2010

Back to Normal

The world cup fever is o-v-a-h!

Football was never really my thing (actually no sports are my thing). Why, you ask? Here's why. The idea of 22 grown up, good looking, well paid boys chasing after one bloody ball around a field, just has not click to me.yet.maybe one day. Well, if they want the ball so much, they should just each get a ball, and toss it around.Not like they can't afford it. I mean, if David Beckham can buy Victoria kebejillion Birkins, I'm sure he could buy a ball or two for himself. A Birkin Ball.

But one thing I believe in life is, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em".That is excatly what I did, and managed to earn a couple of buckaroos while at it. Why be the only one left out, when the whole world is watching it right? (also, because Daddy hogs the TV so I can't watch E!, but thank god for Perez).

I don't stay up to watch 2.30 a.m games, except the Germany-Uruaguay game, and the finals.

Yesterday, I went over to Azrin's to watch the finals. We couldnt find any place that was not packed like sardines in a can, so decided to buy KFC and watch it at his house. My money, of course, was on Spain.

First of all, the match was more WWF than World Cup. Second, I almost took a flight to South Africa, went into the field, and flash the referee with a yellow card.or red.ok, mine will be pink. On the bright side, the Dutch won most yellow cards achieved :). Third, it went ridiculously long (had to make a couple of trips to 7-eleven to buy coffee).

Knowing I have an attention span of a fish, 20 minutes into the game, I was already inventing new rules of the game, In about half an hour, I had my very own match in my head- of course, the players are topless *drool*. 21 years living, I still do not understand "offside".

Oh btw, that Jesus guy, O-M-G!hawtness!His eyes are to-die-for.

And this guy, Puyol, i think (I call him 'poofy'), the one with the poofy, curly hair. Realise that everytime his being slow-moed, it looked like a shampoo advertisement.hehehe.

Kinda reminds me of Sarah..

Same, no?

...and than there's love love.

I went back home at about 5.30 a.m, and had to send dear cousin to KLCC at 6.30. I think everyone was driving to work with their eyes closed, because I swear, it felt like I was playing bumper car. Slept at 8 a.m *search for dark circles cream*.

Anyway, congratulations Spain!