Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Melbourne Part 6: Shrine of Remembrance and Classic Car Museum

This i going to be the last Melbourne post, people. I managed to make it short!

My first day there, Azaliya brought us to Shrine of Remembrance. We reached there and I was thinking 'wait a minute, this is familiar'. Yeap, I've been here before with my parents. Its just like our Tugu Negara, only colder. Haha.

"Who did Australia go to war with?"

Never got an answer. Til today.

That A in Geography is a lie.

Our last day there, we went to a classical car museum (because its open 3 days a week, from 9-1pm. Fail!). It was quite amazing to see old cars and some new ones too. Met a 'mat salleh' who lived in Malaysia for sometime and can speak perfect BM. Thank god I was'nt cursing in Malay like I always do. Phew.

That's about it for my trip, guys. Oh one more thing (sorry, had to put this up), Azaliya and I attempted to cook! Don't say we can't cook ok. Crazy commotion in the kitchen, but hey we did it! Probably hygine level not so high HAHAHA.

Ayam masak lemak cili padi (lies, there's no cili padi) and sambal tumis udang! Both were so freaking spicy I was crying for an hour. Even after a kilo sugar tossed in, we could'nt get the spicy-ness out. Eh, at least no one got a stomach ache. Or died.

Again, THANK YOU Aja for having us. Thank you Mak Ngah (cuz she's reading this!) for lending me a house. Thanks everyone, Seth, Zehan, Ryhan, everyone for making my trip a super duper enjoyable one. Sorry for the mess and I'll be back! Hehe.

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