Sunday, July 2, 2017


One kind of pain that I can't stand- toothache. You know, the one that you can feel up to your brain, makes you feel like pulling out your hair every 10 seconds, and sometimes your eyes would feel like it'll just pop out. Miserable.

I felt that and I was crying, screaming and scolding Azrin like a crazy lady. I scolded him for driving to fast, too slow and because he langgar the speed bump. What my genius husband did was he set up an appointment with a dentist for me. Haha.

He said it was because he kesian seeing me in pain and that he loves me. I'm sure.

Off we went to the dentist yesterday (boy did he drive really fast and the the radio was on super loudly, I wonder why), of course it was the whole wisdom tooth shannanigs. Yes, I am a wise lady now *bows*. 

They had to cabut a tooth out, the horror! It was not painful since they poked that thing that made my mouth numb and all..but the sound! Haiyo. Felt like I was in Saw. I had to show my macho-ness and gentleness because the dentist was cute! Haha! Yes Azrin followed me in the surgery room *rolls eyes*

Alhamdulillah everything went well. Had to shove this thing in my mouth for the whole day. So uncomfortable. So close to swollowing that thing (since it was so far behind- towards the throat).

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