Friday, June 25, 2010


I have been wearing contact lenses since high school. Sometimes green, sometimes blue, crazy times will see me trying to rock purple eyes, sometimes even red (yikes!), because if I'm going to be blind, might as well be fashionable doing it (my blindness is up to 650).

Now, there is Dior Contact Lenses. Yeap, as in Christian Dior. I don't know if its the economy or what that made John Galliano (he is the fashion designer behind Dior) think outside the box to attract more income. Or maybe he's just bored.

The contact lens is gold flake-ish with CD printed on the side (I dont think people talking to me could even see the initials) and there is black rim around it. Is this suppose to be luxurios? Or are they trying to attract the Twi-hards. Maybe they aim the luxurios vampire.

On a totally different note. These are my pick for Jimmy Choo pre-fall '10.

Oh those are love! I want all of them and sleep with em. Who needs pillows when u can have gorgeous gorgeous Jimmys.


  1. dear sis.. contact lense.. cd brand??? adoiii brape la rege dia.. huhuhu

    xpe la kai je la ape yg ade sudah huhuhuhu...

    -kak lizz-

  2. haha agak mahal la kak liz..kat sini tak de pon kot...tak relevant langsung

  3. huhuhuhu... xde keje gile la nk pakai cd nyer lense...

    lain la sha... kayo rayo.. akak kayo buah derian je... slurppp

    baik duit tu blanje sha mamam lg best

  4. ya betolsss...biler tu nak belanje??kih kih kih
