Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Coming Back

Woah, I took a 3-day break from work the other day just to give myself a little rest (got bored after the 2nd day) and at first I wanted to drag Azrin to Melaka because I was craving for my favourite cheese naan and butter chicken..but we were thinking of the whole school holiday shannanigs and the traffic back would be hell, we cancelled the thought.

What did I do instead?

Watched this new series - Sense8. Got hooked. It was awesome! I mean, the storyline....fuuuh! I love those kind of shows where you need to think throughout and it got more complicated as the episodes move on. Crazy. Imagine 8 people in 8 different cities in the world could sense each other, talk to each other, help each other..but just among themselves. Well, I shall not spoil it for you. Highly recommended.

Puasa month is in a day, Azrin and I started doing samples for something we have done for the past 4 puasa/rayas..

Our Honey Kokoflakes!

Alhamdulillah every year more people buy our HK (we even had to turn down some orders last year oops) and we hope this year would be better. We've got our regular customers, got a few orders already, so thank you so much to those who have been supporting us. Love y'all!

With everything around us having their price hiking up, we are still maintaining our price. Just for you!

RM18 for a balang of 25. Buy 10 free 1.

Let me know if you want any yeah! It's amazeballs to even just ngap ngap ngap while watching TV. Hehe.

Thank you and have a lovely Ramadhan everyone!!

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