Saturday, April 14, 2012


Today marks this blog's 2nd Birthday. Can't believe I've been crapping for 2 years and even though there's only 7 people reading it, I'm so proud of it!! *pats back*. Seven people is Azrin, Mak Ngah, Pak Su, Sofia, Azaliya, Fara and sometimes Sarah (only if I write about her). Hi guys! Hehe.

I must say, I really enjoy writing (which is weird because I hated writing essays in school!), I like how people can know about my daily life and really know who I am because for the past few years some people assume I live a different life; like I'm this wild girl who parties every night getting drunk and what not (Hello! If you know me well, you would know I would rather buy freaking shoes than spend my money on alcohol! Also, if you're really my friend, you would probably know that I sleep at 9pm- How to go party?). Yes, I'm not an angel, I do party, I do go clubbing, but I'm smart enough to know what's Halal and Haram so stop spreading rumours pls.

So by blogging, I basically tell what I do everyday and how my life is not that interesting (probably why there's only 7 people reading), I am just an average twentysomething year old girl.

Happy Birthday LuckyTwentyEight.

Today also marks 2 months since Mommy left us all. For the first time, I dreamt of her last night, woke up crying so I was not in a good mood today. I just wanted to be alone, flipping through Mom's pictures. I miss her. So so much.

I love you Ma. I miss you. Al-fatihah.

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