Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Sydney Trip: The City

Here is the second part!

We spent the second second half of our trip in the city and well, they *points at Abang and Azrin* were aiming to shop till we can't fit the luggage in the car. I have a reason why I pointed to my brother and husband when it comes to shopping. There was this one day, we were all so drained out from shopping (like toes popping out from walking kinda shopping) and we headed back to the apartment, as soon as all of us had our 10 minute break and thought of taking a nap..

Abang: Oh! I saw a factory outlet on the way back just now. Who wants to go?
Azrin: Really? Jom!!

*puts on shoes and went off*

Anyway, besides shopping, we did other tourist-y stuff of course.

Taronga Zoo.

It was more to let Little Fa enjoy all the animals since Daddy and I were not so keen on them. Most of the time, we were sitting at cafe sipping coffee. Hehe.

Sydney Opera House.

Of course! Acting like true tourists taking cliche photos there..and super proud of it! Hehe.

Other things.

Walked around the city, had a little picnic went to a market and everything in between.

Just that Azrin and I had to fly back to KL a day before the rest because if we were all going to the airport together, some of us will have to walk there with our suitcases. Imagine Azrin and I arrive in Sydney with 1 suitcase, we came back with 4! Magic! Haha.

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