Monday, March 13, 2017


As some of you may already know (yes, all four of you who reads my blog) I was admitted in the hospital for the whole week last week for a minor operation. Just a sinus related surgery, but they had to run a few tests before the surgery, which explains the 5 day admission.

I had healthy brown rice everyday, and I gained 2 kgs when I got discharged. Maybe because they made nasi lemak and nasi dagang out of the brown rice, or maybe Azrin brought over kfc over every night from work. I guess we will never know the cause of that 2 kilos, ey?

Everyone in the hospital, from the doctors, nurses, food lady, even cleaners were all super duper nice. They treated me like their sister, coming over to have a chat with me while I was all alone in my room during the day.

One thing that they all said about me is that I am positive.

Honestly, I did not know that about myself, until they talked about it over and over again. From the moment I drove myself to the hospital for admission to the point where I convinced them I could breathe without help, a few hours after getting out of the OT.

The more "chirpy" I become, the more helpful people around me are. I believe that as long as I can handle something by myself, I'm all good, which is why I told Azrin not to take leave the whole whole time I was admitted but just come whenever he can because I know he is super busy at work (psst btw, he was kinda the talk of the icu among the nurses! I was snoring away and one nurse came and woke me up "Puan, I am your nurse for the night shift ya, the petang shift nurse cakap your husband very handsome ya")


I texted Azrin "B, tomorrow make sure you wear cantik cantik and come. And smile charmingly to the nurses. Mana tau, maybe I dapat extra food"

So alhamdulillah everything went well with the surgery. Thanks to my positivity, I guess I convinced the doctors to take that annoying oxygen thingy off, also I got discharged from the hospital a few days early.

See, keep the negativity away from you and good things will come. Now back to work!

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