Friday, January 13, 2012

Some say 4 is a bad number..

Well, I think its a gorgeous number. Why? Because Azrin and I turned 4. That's right, FOUR YEARS. A whole lot of fighting I must say, but we made it!

Four years ago, he asked me to be his gf, right after we had an argument, in a parking lot (seriously of all places!) and the rest, is history.

Its really puke-ey that we still celebrate every month, but I think its sweet. We do miss it sometimes (because we might go bankrupt to do fancy dinner every month) but we still try to capture every moment. Ngawh.

He's my food buddy. He's my massage buddy. He's my shopping buddy. He's my study buddy. He's my hospital buddy. Hopefully forever, insyaallah.

Kalau ada jodoh, tak ke mana kan?

Happy Anniversary B. Love.