Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Black Side Mirror

If you see a blue car with one black side mirror, that gangster car is mine, thank you.

I dont usually go into KL anymore these days. Why? Because seriously, what the hell is wrong with traffic in KL?! Morning, jam. Afternoon, jam. Evening, jam. Midnight, jammest. So sorry for those of you who works in KL. I crossed out 'Location: KL' when I was looking for a job.

So yesterday, had to go KL, stuck in a very bad jam (because Malaysians dont move when its green, but hit the red light). Either we're all colour blind........... nevermind. While trying to deal with not-so-genius people on the road..

Eeeeeeee. Boom. Poof. Scratch.

Oh. My. God.

Azrin was about to put a gangster attitude on and what not, but genius who langgar-ed me, cabut-ed.

All I know, it was a Blue Alza. I think. Its really brutal to drive in KL, guys. People are angry, hot, hungry, tired and the traffic is really really bad. For those who just got their driver's license, please practice somewhere else first ok. Y'all be traumatised. Or get a Hummer.

Stupid part was, he could at least bang my left side mirror, because it's already broken and hanging. Haih. End of the month, few days to payday, broke, accident. Ok, maggi week. Bye.

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