Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Helena and Ashwin were back for a little while so we had the chance to go double dating for a few times before they flew back to Moscow.

The last time we went out, I asked Helena to pick a place and she insisted on this One City place and I thought that was random and fishy of her. We had dinner and she said she picked that place because she wanted to show/bring Azrin and I something.


I couldn't wait for surprises so I was quietly googling what was available there and of course she saw what I was doing...

"Ok lah, the surprise is more for Ajin and Ashwin I'm sure. Not for you, Sha. There is a skypark upstairs"

Azrin was already sweating. Haha.

We went up after dinner (we should have gone before dinner so that the food won't come out for the boys), it was only 10th or 11th floor or something. The place is pretty cool - wide space to chill, amazing view, pretty romantic (if your boyfriend/husband is not afraid of heights) and some parts of the floor are made of glass and transparent and you can see all the way down. Amazing!


Ashwin and Azrin stood at the side trying not to move at all while Helena and I were trying hard to convince them that it is safe and we should all walk to the middle of the park. Even some makciks were who were walking on it were looking at them weirdly. Shame.

At last, told them to close their eyes, and the girls held both their hands to walk towards the glass floor. Azrin's hands were sweating like cray. When we in the middle of the skypark, we asked them to open their eyes and Helena and I ran away from them. The boys froze, shivering and I swear they were holding on to each other. Hilarious.


Took a few pictures, and the girls had to guide them back to the "safe" part of the park.


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