Thursday, February 9, 2012

Blood Donation

Sorry for being MIA for a little while. As some of you may already know, my mother have been admitted in the hospital for 3 weeks now (saving it for a whole post), so yeah. Been a bit busy, barely touch my laptop.

Fortunately I have amazing friends who come visit me at the hospital, while I weep away about mommy. If your name is Sarah and you're reading this, I've fired you from being my friend. Haha.

So there was this blood donation thing at the hospital and my friends and I got a little excited!

Unfortunately, I was on antibiotics (damn ear infection again!) so it was a no-go for me. Sobs. Was all excited to give my nasi lemak-filled blood to some sick dying person and feel good about myself. Now all up to Sofia, Hazren and Azrin to save people's life.

It was Azrin's first time so he was giving all sorts of lame excuses..

"I slept for only 4 hours 50 minutes last night"

"I had a pretty heavy breakfast just now"

"I dont feel so good.."


Sofia's blood pressure was too low so it was a no-go for her too.

Come on, boys!

Azrin : I'm having a headache, I'm gonna die. Im hungry, if I eat will I get sick. I can't walk. I can't breathe. I can't see. I can't think.

They should've put him to sleep.

Oh. Stop. Whining. Noone's dying.

They say if you donate blood, you'll put on weight? Is it true?!?!

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