Sunday, July 24, 2016

Peer Pressure

I have seen many people uploading these videos of them trying these spicy korean noodles whatnot on social media up to the point where they cry and scream because it is too spicy, so I told Azrin about it one day while we were stuck in traffic and he's respond was "Pfft, how hot can it be? Sure nothing for me".

Berlagak. Both Azrin and I are the kind of people who can't be challenged so he did a U-turn and we went and look for this darn noodles (which I think Azrin challenged himself, because I did'nt say anything).

Got them, went home and prepare them. I read that you will need milk to kill the spicy-ness, but I realised I forgot the milk after my first bite. Haih.

Happy faces before.

Almost pengsan after. Azrin was doing not too bad. He just couldn't hear at one point. Me? Tears were coming down non-stop but I think that everything is in the head so I focused to one thing, imagined that I just had a bar of chocolate, zone myself out n boom! Spicyness gone. Yes, that's how I handle things. Haha. I must say, despite the crazy spicyness and all, that noodle is yummy and both Azrin and I are kinda addicted to it now. Good luck to our tummy.

Went to work and convinced my two colleagues to try it...

See how we "rebus" the noodle. Hahahahah.

Nurul went crazy but Zee's statement was "not as spicy as I expected". Fuh..hebat!! Even so, needed milk and ice cream to kill the spicyness. Haha.

You guys should try.

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