Thursday, July 21, 2016

King of Fruits

When an uncle whatsapp you with a "Mai rumah amek derian", it just shows the love an uncle has for a niece, and he knows his niece loves durian like cray!

So my reply was:

"Sat, nak kumpul tupperware lepaih tu mai"

Hish. Tak malu betul. Kinda dark, but that's a picture of me holding as many tupperwares as I could standing infront of my uncle's house with a big smile on my face because I know he won't let me go home while those things in my arms are not full. Oh happyness!

Azrin and I sat. He peeled all types of durians for us- sweet ones, creamy ones, bitter ones, soft ones, hard ones. Seriously, we went crazy! Done with durians, there were mangosteens, pulasans and rambutans. Where else can you go beraya and have free flow of durians served? *hugs Paklang and Maklang*

Filled our tupperwares up (hehe!) and brought home a load of durians with us.

Mak lang : Dila tak masak, sure peti ais kosong kan? Boleh simpan semua ni..

Sad, but super true! Hahaha.

Azrin : B, We are going to be a super healthy couple. Fruits for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Sayang PakLang, MakLang *kisses*

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