Sunday, July 24, 2016

Peer Pressure

I have seen many people uploading these videos of them trying these spicy korean noodles whatnot on social media up to the point where they cry and scream because it is too spicy, so I told Azrin about it one day while we were stuck in traffic and he's respond was "Pfft, how hot can it be? Sure nothing for me".

Berlagak. Both Azrin and I are the kind of people who can't be challenged so he did a U-turn and we went and look for this darn noodles (which I think Azrin challenged himself, because I did'nt say anything).

Got them, went home and prepare them. I read that you will need milk to kill the spicy-ness, but I realised I forgot the milk after my first bite. Haih.

Happy faces before.

Almost pengsan after. Azrin was doing not too bad. He just couldn't hear at one point. Me? Tears were coming down non-stop but I think that everything is in the head so I focused to one thing, imagined that I just had a bar of chocolate, zone myself out n boom! Spicyness gone. Yes, that's how I handle things. Haha. I must say, despite the crazy spicyness and all, that noodle is yummy and both Azrin and I are kinda addicted to it now. Good luck to our tummy.

Went to work and convinced my two colleagues to try it...

See how we "rebus" the noodle. Hahahahah.

Nurul went crazy but Zee's statement was "not as spicy as I expected". Fuh..hebat!! Even so, needed milk and ice cream to kill the spicyness. Haha.

You guys should try.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

King of Fruits

When an uncle whatsapp you with a "Mai rumah amek derian", it just shows the love an uncle has for a niece, and he knows his niece loves durian like cray!

So my reply was:

"Sat, nak kumpul tupperware lepaih tu mai"

Hish. Tak malu betul. Kinda dark, but that's a picture of me holding as many tupperwares as I could standing infront of my uncle's house with a big smile on my face because I know he won't let me go home while those things in my arms are not full. Oh happyness!

Azrin and I sat. He peeled all types of durians for us- sweet ones, creamy ones, bitter ones, soft ones, hard ones. Seriously, we went crazy! Done with durians, there were mangosteens, pulasans and rambutans. Where else can you go beraya and have free flow of durians served? *hugs Paklang and Maklang*

Filled our tupperwares up (hehe!) and brought home a load of durians with us.

Mak lang : Dila tak masak, sure peti ais kosong kan? Boleh simpan semua ni..

Sad, but super true! Hahaha.

Azrin : B, We are going to be a super healthy couple. Fruits for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Sayang PakLang, MakLang *kisses*

Monday, July 18, 2016

Lalat's Makan-Makan

Yesterday Sarah invited us for her little gathering (open house) and of course I wouldn't miss it for the world. Rushed there from work because I am super confident the food she was gonna serve was yummy!

Was excited to play with Sofia and Sarah's babies. Azrin was already planning on kidnapping both

Sarah served this yummy beryani that when she asked Sofia and I if we wanted to bring home some, I helped myself in her kitchen taking everything that could fit mine and Azrin's tummy for dinner, tomorrow's breakfast and lunch.

Sofia and I : Pheeewwww no need to cook *dance*

Ok selfie time.

Took a couple of explainations to tell some people that I am not Sofia and Sofia is not me. Reminds us like back to our uni days, kan Sofi? Lol.

Super fun. Thanks for having us, Sarah! Of course...

Today.......HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAKCIK!!!!!!! *hugs n kisses*

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Raya Day 1

Raya this year was alright, though my family left me to go for a holiday (haih!)

Went to Daddy's house in the morning, to beraya with my family, then off to go beraya with Azrin's family. No kampungs, both "orang KL" gahahaha. 

My family.

Azrin's family.

I swear the amount of food we ate for that day...omg! Azrin lost 6kgs during fasting month, he gained back 3 kgs after Raya Day 1. Probably gained the rest from the day after *shakes head*

Selamat Hari Raya! Have an amazing raya and don't forget to ajak us for your open house yeah!! 

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Esok Raya

Usually married couples will have the tahun-ni-balik-mana argument since the start of puasa every year but I must say Azrin and I will only argue on who's kubur to visit first. Kidding, of course it won't be an argument.

Every year, a day before Raya, Azrin and I will spend the evening visiting my mother's and his father's grave to pay our respect before having an amazing time the next day. Flowers ready. Straight from work. Its good that Babah and Mama's kuburs are only 2 minutes away from each other.

Al fatihah.

I would like to wish all of you Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir dan batin. Please forgive any of my wrong doings, bitchy things I have said, food I have curi, given you any evil looks, anything at all- I'm sorry.

Have an amazing raya! Muah!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Bunga Api

Only grandchild in the family for now, so everything she wants, she will get especially from grandma and grandpa. To celebrate raya, her grandma got her some bunga api, those really harmless ones.

Me? Join sekali la.

Teringat zaman dulu-dulu, when I will be back in Muar for Raya, and the night before raya, all cousins and I will play all sorts of mercun, bunga api everything until all kena marah from our mommies. Haha.

"Degil lagi, no duit raya esok!"

Fuhhh. scary!

That night, Azrin, abang and I teman Little Niece with her bunga api but seriously the smoke....cannot tahan man! How did I do it back then?? Coughing non stop that night. Haih.

Few more days to Raya. Excited!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Once a Year

At least once every Ramadhan, we will have a buka puasa together (well, more like Fara chasing everyone to set a date and reserve a place), so after a couple of changes in dates, we set a night of buka puasa with sushi (what's new).

Yes, rarely see them now..even once a year is hard haih!

Good news, our girl announced she's getting married soon *dances*.

"Babe, gotta think of a # for my wedding lah. You know how usually people put #brideXgroom kan? In my case it'll be #faraXbahagia..which means Fara tak bahagia. How?"


Other statements during buka puasa...

Me : Po! You know ada colleagues I kenal you. I rasa I dah kenal ramai sangat orang PD. Hehe
Sofia : *flips hair* duh...I dengan Toin 'it' couple kut kat pd...of course orang kenal
Me : pfft..

I appreciate them like cray and after a stressful week of work, I must say, hanging out with them for a little while also helps.


Sayang you guys!

Selamat Hari Raya guys! Yes, I will be in PD for raya I guess. Haha.