Friday, July 1, 2016

Once a Year

At least once every Ramadhan, we will have a buka puasa together (well, more like Fara chasing everyone to set a date and reserve a place), so after a couple of changes in dates, we set a night of buka puasa with sushi (what's new).

Yes, rarely see them now..even once a year is hard haih!

Good news, our girl announced she's getting married soon *dances*.

"Babe, gotta think of a # for my wedding lah. You know how usually people put #brideXgroom kan? In my case it'll be #faraXbahagia..which means Fara tak bahagia. How?"


Other statements during buka puasa...

Me : Po! You know ada colleagues I kenal you. I rasa I dah kenal ramai sangat orang PD. Hehe
Sofia : *flips hair* duh...I dengan Toin 'it' couple kut kat pd...of course orang kenal
Me : pfft..

I appreciate them like cray and after a stressful week of work, I must say, hanging out with them for a little while also helps.


Sayang you guys!

Selamat Hari Raya guys! Yes, I will be in PD for raya I guess. Haha.

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