Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Esok Raya

Usually married couples will have the tahun-ni-balik-mana argument since the start of puasa every year but I must say Azrin and I will only argue on who's kubur to visit first. Kidding, of course it won't be an argument.

Every year, a day before Raya, Azrin and I will spend the evening visiting my mother's and his father's grave to pay our respect before having an amazing time the next day. Flowers ready. Straight from work. Its good that Babah and Mama's kuburs are only 2 minutes away from each other.

Al fatihah.

I would like to wish all of you Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir dan batin. Please forgive any of my wrong doings, bitchy things I have said, food I have curi, given you any evil looks, anything at all- I'm sorry.

Have an amazing raya! Muah!

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