Sunday, February 28, 2016


She was my family's helper for about 30 years. Now that my Daddy and stepmom have moved further, she had to quit because she can't ride her bicycle two hours away just to clean the house, no? She had been working with us since before I was born so yes, I did grow up with her.

Azrin was on the phone with her son one day and she grabbed the phone from her son and shouted "Lalaaaaa! Lalaaaa!"

Yes, she is the only person who calls me Lala. So I grabbed the phone from Azrin and talked to her. Within minutes, I was chilling in her house. Hehe.

She was so sad she did'nt have any muruku for me (best muruku ever!). We were gossiping and she was gonna cry at one point, that's when I told Azrin we should go now. You see, even my Daddy have never pukul me my whole life...but she...? Everytime I ate with my hand wrongly...definitely kena once on my hand, at one point I would prefer to eat with fork and spoon in front of her -___-"


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