Saturday, February 13, 2016

Four Years

Valentine's Day today, many couples walking around holding hands, smiling, love everywhere in the air. When I bought flowers, people around must have thought "Aww such a sweet girl buying flowers for her boyfriend/husband (or both..kidding!)".

Nope. Just buying flowers for Mommy.

Four years ago, today, Mommy passed away so I usually spend my Valentine morning visiting Mommy's kubur, and since Azrin's late father's kubur is a few steps away from Mommy, we will both visit both of them together every year (keep forgetting to buy flowers a few days earlier before the price hike up triple the normal price -__-')

Can't believe its been four years, feels like yesterday. So many things I wish I can tell her, share with her. It's ok, I pray for her everyday, hope she is well there. As for Azrin's Dad, I did not get to meet him but from all the stories I've heard from Azrin and his family, sounds like an amazing amazing man. One day I'll get to meet him, Insyaallah.

Azrin and I always wondered if my mommy and his daddy would "lepak" together and talk about us since they are so close to each other..hehehe.

Love love to you, Mama and Babah.


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