Sunday, September 4, 2016

Uber Virgins

Crazy week I must say, with Azrin falling sick making a couple trips to the hospital and his car breaking down with a few trips to the workshops, now with a few thousand bucks happily flew out the window...we shall eat maggi for the rest of the month yeah? Hehe.

So this morning we had to send his car to the workshop again (when it just got out of the workshop yesterday -___-') and we thought we should just keep the car there until everything is fixed.

One problem : We were stranded at the workshop with no car.

Solution : Call Daddy to pinjam one of his car.

His answer : SIL is pinjam-ing because her car is rosak too.

Called SIL and she said we can pick it up at their house and since it is only 10 minutes away, I should just uber our way there.

Err. Azrin and I have never used this uber thingy.

So there we were, two uber virgins sitting by the roadside trying to download, register and figure out everything....and after half an hour our uber came. Yay! Success!

In the car, after a while I thought he was not going the correct way and suddenly "You have reached your destination".


Got out of the car in the middle of nowhere and apparently SIL gave a shorter version of her address. Tried to get another uber (which took quite long to figure everything out again. I know, Azrin and I are not so "cepat" with these things). 

That uber dude had to call me a few times to find us..

Him : Err Hi Sharifah, where exactly are u?
Me : I have no idea.

Thank god the uber guy was friendly and helpful. Even he said "You guys don't use often, don't you?"

...but at last, we reached Abang's house. TTDI to Kota Damansara took us more than 1 hour. Haih.

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