Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Speak Nicely

I was on the way home from Abang's house in Kota Damansara. I use NKVE to go home because its faster even if it has RM1 toll. Last night, at the Damansara exit, as I was in the Touch n Go lane, the beep sounded a bit different and that 'palang' thing wasnt going up.



*reverse a little, try again*

Same thing.

Realised that only Azrin's car was behind me, I asked him to reverse to I can go to the next Touch n Go lane. Before the lane gets all jammed up. Same thing in the next lane. Since there was no car behind, I reversed and went to the next tunai lane. I didnt wanna cause any hastle and I know how people get so irritated and start honking when the lanes get jammed up. So my point of going to the tunai lane was to tell someone my problem..but boy was i wrong. She was so rude!

Me: Kak, kad saya tak boleh guna
Lady: Takda duit memang lah tak boleh guna!!
Me: Saya ada 10 ringgit dalam tu, takkan KD-Damansara tak cukup ke
Lady: Habis apsal tak boleh?!?!
Me : (if I know, I wouldnt be here now would I?) Tak tau....
Lady: Kenapa awak datang sini, mana saya tau nak buat apa
Me: (blood boiling and line is getting long behind) Habistu saya nak pergi mana?
Lady: Awak patut tunggu je la dekat lane Touch n Go lepas tu tekan interkom
Me: Saya datang sini sebab takut nanti lane sana ramai orang tapi takda orang datang tolong (clearly i would rather talk to a tree than u!)
Lady: Tengok! Sekarang dekat sini dah jam
Me: (THAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!) well, at this point I was cursing at her because of her rudeness and what I said to her is definitely not appropriate for public viewing.

Then that lady looked like she was gonna cry. She then apologised, smiled and asked me to go to the office. I dont get why people can only be nice after they have pushed all the worng buttons and the other person have exploded? Can't people be nice from the beginning and settle things nicely?

Just a simple thing, if she could just let me go to the office and claim my money that they cut from my card, everything would be settled. Thank god the lady at the office was so kind and nice (I dont know what sort of headsup bitch lady gave her).

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