Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Celebrating love?

First of all, Happy Maulidul Rasul.

and with the whole commotion of Valentine's Day being haram and what not, well, if you're in love, and if u feel like taking your loved ones out for a nice dinner, shower 'em with some gifts, than I don't really see the problem with it. For us Muslims, it's not like we go to church to celebrate Valentine's day, right?

Oh well, each person with a different view. Yes, we should celebrate our love everyday. To those who said that it is wrong to celebrate, "Do you guys celebrate your love everyday, bring your husband/wife/mother/father/sister/brother for a nice dinner EVERYDAY??".

Anyway, in my case, usually every year, Azrin and I celebrate Vday on the 13thFebruary (technically, we don't celebrate Vday, no?) because our monthsarry is on every 12th. So rather than going out on Vday where all restaurants decided to shoot up their price by 30%, why not just spend it the day before.

Sadly, this year, boyfriend had to work on 12th, 13th and 14th, so we got to celebrate Annivalentine's Day today.sobs.

Technically, still not on Vday. So still not "celebrating Vday" hehe.

All we could do was lunch. Yes, Azrin has to work, and too busy for his girlfriend who just sits at home whole day BBM-ing herself because bf is too busy to reply, and even today (public holiday) he still has to go to work and could only squeeze in gf for a quick lunch.

You know, luckily he has an understanding girlfriend, who sets alarm at 1a.m so that she's up when he finishes work. Awwwwwhhh. *pats back*

*cough* a little *cough* gift *sneeze* wouldnt hurt *hiccup*

AAAAANNNNYYYWHOOOO, we had steamboat for lunch! Woohoo!

aaaaah, you just see love much more sparkly when tummy is full.

*burp* alhamdulillah.

Now, whatever day you've got, Vday, Christmas, Deepavali, Chap Goh Meh, whatever, it does'nt matter. When the government gives you a day off, y'all better head to a mall, until they close the parking space, and celebrate your love.

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