Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Chicken Bulu

My cousin came down yesterday, so I had literally 2 seconds to see her before she goes back to Melaka, and what other better way to have an express catch up and gossip and find out the latest family news, than doing it while stuffing our face with food right.

So we went to Ikea for breakfast. Haha, if you think we would just sit and have coffee and a bagel for breakfast...

*TEEEETTTTTTTT* Pls try again.

Me : OMG, we are having a 3-course meal for breakfast *looks at 95 plates of food on table*
Shafiqah : ........and I had roti canai before I picked u up.

Unhealthiest breakfast ever. Chicken wings.Meatballs.Daim cake.

Oh guess what we found on the chicken.Or in our mouth.

EEEEEEEEKK. That, ladies and gentlemen, is chicken hair.

Wait, chicken hair? Is it chicken hair or chicken fur???Fur?? Sounds kinky.OMG hair or fur? If hair is rambut, fur is bulu..so chicken fur, right?

Ok.Chicken bulu.

Gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *barf*