I have a problem. I don't know why my laptop today is super slow. My Internet Explorer kept hanging. Opening a new window takes forever, no scratch that, EVERYTHING takes forever. Why? Can't be the internet because I tested Dad's computer and its fine.
Why?Why?? I don't know anything about laptops and I'm alone at home *hides under blanket*
What if a thief comes in the house, and my Blackberry is not with me? How am I going to IM/Skype/Twit/FB chat the police?? *horror*
Ok, maybe a little dramatic, but I need my laptop to connect with the world, ok (read : being kepochee on people's statuses on FB).
So I brave-d (is that a word?) myself, and wonder around my laptop, trying to figure why, OHMYGOD, even typing is slow- I'm going to finish blogging next week, am I? Ok, back to my story, I clicked here, clicked there..and found this.

RED?!?! Ok, red is bad, no? What is OS? Office Supplies?? What is free of what??? *cry* I need to pay more attention to Azrin when he talks about gadget (snoooze).
Is my laptop full? Is it because of viruses?? How do I know this? Seriously, laptops are more complicated than men AND women.
Maybe it's because of....

Btw, once, I saved about 30 series into Dad's hard disk, and he deleted everything one day (because he wants to put his pictures). No other back up (not even on my laptop).was just that. All gone.GONE! So now I have a fear of Hard Disk.
I think I have to uninstall stuff, right?

But which one is important??
I need help!! What do I do?!?!??!?!?!?! Help help!
Azrin : *talks about what I should do about my laptop*
Me : *birds chirping*
Should I get a new one??
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