Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hot Jin

Remember when I blogged about how excited I was waiting for Tekken the movie to be out???

One word- Dissapointing.

Seriously, such a crappy storyline. I mean the fight scenes were excatly like the game (like how Eddy Gordo always looks like he needs to go to the loo before the fight) which is good. But everything else...blah!

If it wasnt for half naked Jin and butt crack lady (I forgot her name, but she's the heroin) I think people would have walked out of the cinema.

I do think Jin is too preety though. We need a tougher looking Jin, not some korean boyband looking guy. Nonetheless, hawtness! I also got annoyed with the fact that they had Eddy Gordo for 5 seconds throughout the movie. No, maybe 2 seconds.

See what I managed to sneaked into the cinema!

Biggest doughnut I've ever eaten.

In comparison with Azrin's hand

Had a hard time stuffing it in my handbag, since it was as big as my face, and when the movie ended, Azrin and I ate less than half of it. So I ate half a face.


  1. well if ur a DIE HARD fan for Tekken u would still like it even though the story line sucked.. It was more on how their fighting skills was rather than the corny story line..
