Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hats Off!

You know how the westerners are all crazy about hair extensions, or they call it, weave (to me, it sounds like carpet). What's the point?

I have super duper thick hair.Everytime I go to a hairdresser, they would go googoo-gaga bout the thickness of my hair. Don't see the big deal is because..

a) In this weather, it's like wearing 10 layers of snowcap in a 45 degrees weather.
b) It's so heavy, it's like carrying a pile of book on your head.
c) If I wash my hair at 9 a.m and towel dry it, it will be fully dry at 4 p.m.

It's a curse (I know, I know, I should be thankful I'm not bald).

One more major thing is that I can't wear hats.Or caps.Maybe helmets too (there goes my dream of becoming a F1 driver). If I force a hat on my head, it will just bounce back.Or the hat will rip apart.


This sucks, because I love hats. Espiacially crazy, classy ones (not Gaga ones). I want to be like the Queen. Her hats collections are crazy.

I also love Jane Taylor's hats. Classy yet modern, different but not weird.Just lovely.

My pick :

Oh, gorgeous!

Won't it just compliment a perfect evening gown?? I could only imagine wearing it (unless they have in in size "elephant head")

Then again, it is so hot here, and your hair will get all sweaty and gooey in the hat...Ewww gross!

I wonder if the Queen still wears a hat if she's in Malaysia.

1 comment:

  1. Try cello-taping the hat to your hair, dik...
