Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Dear god, what did I ever do to deserve all this torture?

Its that time of the year again.

The time where you see less Uni students in malls, where you see people of age 20-24 looking like they just woke up driving like a crazy person (next time you see this please give way, we are really late!), libraries filled and it doesnt even feel like a library anymore. Yes, its towards the end of the semester and we are all going assignment-crazy. Well, for me it is because it never really occur to me to start early so now I have 3 assignments due soon *barf*

My butt hurts from sitting for a long time even after i stack up cushions like i pancakes on a hungry sunday morning *oh no, more junk in the trunk for me after this :s *, Im becoming cross-eyed due to too much googling, and I must say, I will be 30% uglier after this and I will blame it on the lecturer.

Right now I'm doing my Advance Financial Accounting assignment and it is driving me crazy. Clearly google isn't much of a help this time and I dont know where else to search for sources. Why did'nt I take an easier course, why? * its ok, half a year to go..*

Who gives a crap on ancient accounting methods? Thats the thing about accountancy, its always about the past. Maybe that is why accountants' fashion senses are waaay ancient *pray to god I do not fall into that category*. I have 3 more days to complete 3000 more words. Worse come to worse, if I still cant find anything relevant to write, I shall just submit a review on the Miu Miu Autumn/Winter 2010/11 Collection *drroooool*

When all this crazyness ends, I'm treating myself with a relaxing massage, a manicure (thanks to all the typing) and a pedicure. Can't wait to see sunlight again. Oh I miss preety clothes, I miss make up, I miss shoes. I miss being human.

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