Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Sixty Six

Testing one two three.

*dusting off the blog*

Fuh, its been a while. I miss blogging. I miss writing. Honestly, I don't have any time. I don't even have time to watch the new The Hills. Oh, they've got a new The Hills, but without Lauren. Still with Heidi, Audrina, Whitney *scream*. Ohemgee.


Daddy celebrated his sixty...err chup! Oh ya, sixty six last week and we planned a dinner out. I came out with an Elton John theme but of course, non of us came with colourful sunnies and everything. Boring!

We were the most...Elton-ish? Bahaha.

It was a public holiday so it was packed everywhere so it was even hard to have a conversation. One person had to scream across the table to say something. Urgh. For a few days Azrin and I thought Daddy was turning 63 and we wanted to get him a 6 and 3 candles.

Azrin: How old is he?
Me: Don't know. Calculate lah.
Azrin: 63. Awh he is so old already. Stop bullying him.
Me: -____-'

*took 6 and 3 candles*

Azrin: *calculated on his phone* Eh, he is 66 lah. Omg, we almost discount him three years. He would be so perasan.
Me: Mehh, at least now he cannot perasan he is 36. Hehe.

Happy Birthday Abah!!

Well, obviously the two in black didn't get the theme memo.

Guys, What do you buy for your father? We are running of ideas here. Help!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

After Another

New year's resolution- slow down on the Burnt Cheesecake, right? If you follow me on Insta, you would realise that I have not been updating any new burnt cheesecake location. Azrin and I have had them about twice this year *claps*. 

....we might be out of new cheesecake places but I can just tell you that we are leading a healthier lifestyle. Heh.

Meh, who am I kidding.

Azrin is the kind who gets hooked on any sweet/sugary stuff something easily. So all this while, when we walk around in malls, sometimes I would get a bubble milk tea. Very rarely, I must say. Once in a while the cravings will come. Everytime I get one, being the nice girlfriend to wife, I would offer if he would like one.

Him: *cringe* Meh, no thanks.

Every. Single. Time.

I don't know what that bubble tea ever did to him.

One fine day, last month, he had a sip of my tea.


A few days later, he drove to a bubble tea shop and it was raining like crazy and of course he can't get his shoes wet *smoke coming out of ears*.

Him: B, can u get me one of those..but I don't want milk tea. Something..fruity please.
Me: Are you sure you don't want the milk tea? (I mean, I know him better then he knows himself)
Him: Yeap..something fruity like mango.
Me: Hmmmmm...okaaaaaay.

He took a sip of his mango, and a sip of mine..

"Can we switch?"

That is when everything went downhill. From that day on, he wants a freaking bubble tea almost everyday. It will be pretty normal for me to get ready for bed and suddenly a "Oh let's get bubble tea" comes out in the middle of the night. Yes, little Adrian tags along.

Look at that face.

He said it cured him from fever and flu.


Sunday, January 13, 2019

Road Trip

Happy 2019 everyone! I will try to blog more this year. A promise to myself.

We had our first road trip with Adrian almost three months ago (and you only want to blog about it now, good job!) and it was quite and experience!

Figuring out what to pack- "Do we bring our kettle? What if the hotel does not have hot water (haha!)? Should we drag his cot along? How many baju to bring? No space in one car. We should get a bigger car."

..and off to Melaka!

Thank god Adrian is the kind who sleeps the moment you put him in a car. Even before the car moves. So it was Zzzzzzz the whole way..BUT he was fully charged when we got there just when Azrin and I thought we could take a nap as we checked in.

Went around Melaka, met up with Helena for coffee. Didn't do all the touristy stuff because mehhh- too packed. I would rather just eat.

The next day, we went off to Muar for my cousin's wedding. Dressed little Adrian up for his first wedding.


I must say, it was a different experience, especially now Azrin and I cant be next to each other singing and dancing when driving for a holiday. Many more things to learn, and we shall plan for more trips.

Without the cot.