Friday, August 26, 2016


Been a long long week, working last Saturday and Sunday, thought of having a good early rest this Friday night until my lovely husband said "B, jom tangkap Pikachu"


Sayang punya pasal.

You see, a few days after the two of us got caught in this whole Pokemon Go crazy-ness, I got a Pikachu while I was in the car and I screamed til i kinda lost my voice. Of course, kiasu Azrin got super jealous and Pikachu has been his aim since then.

He's been searching for that yellow thing everywhere while I show it to him with a cheeky smile on my face. Kih kih.

So after many many discussions with his colleagues, he figured out locations with many Pikas (so this is what they do in banks)

In the middle of the night, we went to a big, dark taman. Suprisingly, it was more happening than Selena Gomez' concert!!

Everyone was holding a phone and walking around like a zombie. Sometimes everyone will run to the same place at the same time (of course in real life it is just a bench. Or a tree)

All for this.


Trust me, there were many aunties and uncles too. Suprisingly they ran faster than us younger bunch. Grr.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Tragedi Hamlet

Yesterday was the opening night of our "yang ditunggu-tinggu" Tragedi Hamlet and of course I will drag Azrin and come to support everybody's hardwork.

(also Faridah asked a couple of times yesterday "Coming tonight?*eyebrow raised*") BM. Different. Interesting.

Unlike Azrin, I did not know what Hamlet was about so it was good to know the whole story..but I knew Azrin's planned to tell me the ending before it ended. Haih.

You guys want to know?

Come watch! Y'all still have tonight up to Sunday. Tickets for RM45/RM35.


Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Last Friday klpac had a teeny event in klcc so of course some of us went to show our support. I went with Nurul and Zee, picked Azrin on the way (sibuk only!). We went quite early to avoid the traffic, so decided to chill at a cafe and have a slice of cake and play!

"Samantha from Sex and the City"


"Pee standing up"


After we finished with the game, we went to the event. Aesop, one of our sponsors decided to distribute part of that day's sales to us so there were we trying to attract people to come and buy things. Hee!

See, so many people right? *pats back*

Thank you thank you *bows*
