Woah...last day of the year. That was quick no?
What have I achieved?
Lose weight - negative
Buy a house - negative
New boyfriend - kidding!
Learn how to cook - why bother when stepmom can cook and I just sit and eat, right? Hehe.
A new job - Yay!!
Get married - *looks at boyfriend*
Jokes aside, its been a pretty challenging year even for our country I must say, but I believe that if we stay strong and work together, we can overcome anything *puts on Supreman suit*. We can do this.
I hope next year would be a better year. I hope to cut off negative people and have only positive energy in my life. I hope to be a better muslim, a better daughter, a better sister, a better girlfriend, a better friend...
Basically a better person.
New year resolution? Gave up on that.
Happy New Year everybody!