Monday, November 18, 2013

Opposite Attracts

A wise person once told me that if you're the eldest in your family, it is good to marry someone youngest vice versa. If I'm not mistaken, in Hinduism they practice something like that too. In other words, if you're the eldest sibling, you can't marry a person who is also the eldest.

I kept wondering the reason behind this and after a couple of years, I'm starting to realise why.

You see, being an eldest, you will carry a certain characteristic. Also when you are the youngest. Totally opposite.

From what I see...

Eldest - mature, calm, relaxed

Youngest - panas baran, spoilt, stubborn

So u mix the two together = perfection!

Any of you realise this thing too?

One of my ex was also a youngest child... oh dear god! You can only imagine the relationship. Screaming match everyday. It must've been a good practise for my vocal chords for the whole year haha.

When I got together with Azrin, I was shocked that when I first had an argument with him, he did not scream back. He just waited for me to finish go cray and calm me down later on. Shocking! After a while I became this person who is more calm and any problems I have I will think it through before exploding like a volcano.

Also, I am not good with kids. Babies, toddlers, any kids, they will all cry when I hold them. Well, not my fault! I had no baby brother or sister to practise with while growing up. I was the baby *flips hair*

Thank god I have Azrin. Child magnet. Fuuuuhhhhh lega.

I was at Penang with my family and Little Pei was stuck to Bobo.

Now Azrin can't even sit next to me because Little Pei would scream "Bobo Fa punya".

Ok la, in the future I work and Azrin becomes a fulltime house-husband hahahaha *runs*

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Review: Highland Tower

Received a text from stepmom when I was at work..

"Abah ajak tengok movie"

"Apa demam dia nak tengok movie?"

So weird. The last time I watched a movie with my father was.... Titanic!! You see, Daddy is not a movie kinda man. He's more of a have a cup of coffee and watch live band kinda guy. Just so he won't change his mind, I purchased the tickets online on the spot..haha!

Highland Tower. Dad, Aunty Lynn, Azrin, Azrin's brother Ashraf and I. So excited.

Went into the movies, Dad and Aunty Lynn took out their bags of kuaci....

Kuaci!! Haiyo... *covers face*

Trust me, her handbag was like 7 freaking 11! I was offered biscuits, cookies, I bet she even have laksa in there! Haha.

Well, thank god we had a supply of snacks because the movie was crap! Total crap! First half of the movie, I was this close to leaving the cinema and I coulda sworn I heard Daddy snoring by then.

I understand that you want to do a documentary kind of movie but seriously, do it properly lah! Some words they use, or the way they talked to each other, I bet only they can understand. The "actors" are all movie people or in that industry but you could at least explain a little when you talk to each other about the filming equipments and stuff.

One more thing, I cant stand people addressing each other with "aku" and "kau". I hate it. Even among boys, I do not approve it. Had to listen to all the aku and kau for almost 2 hours...argh!

Main actor, whoever he is, so freaking annoying. Him screaming out "chill" and "relax" the whole damn way. Come on, your friend kena rasuk, you go all "chill, chill". At least mengucap or azan near your friend, dude!

Major fail.

If y'all want to go watch, have fun!

Ratings:   2/10